Slovenian Origin / Slov. poreklo


Have you already got DNA testing results for genealogy? Or, do you want to order it?

Start a survey on Slovenian origin of your grandparents for Slovenian DNA Pool.

Že imate rezultate testiranja DNK za rodoslovne namene? Ali ga želite šele naročiti?

Izpolnite vprašalnik o poreklu vaših starih staršev in pridobite informacije, ki vam bodo v pomoč.

This study aims to provide basic information for a database of DNA ancestry testing, which will be used for determination of the ethnic origin of DNA donors based on their genealogy data. Your participation in the project will contribute to the discovery process of ethnicities rooted in the geographic regions in Europe, where Slovenian speaking people have lived in the past millennium. See below a detailed map of regional groups of Slovenian dialects (Ramovš, 1931).

Who can participate?

Everybody, whose ancestors have originated from the territory of Republic of Slovenia and surrounding areas with Slovenian minorities. Slovenian ancestry needs to be documented at least to the time of Austria-Hungary Empire (before 1918). You need a  free account.

Where to test DNA?

Slovenian DNA Pool wants to benefit from the largest genetic genealogy database at the Family Tree DNA, so we gather you to use their services. If you haven’t yet tested your DNA for genealogy purposes, start with the Family Finder atDNA test at Family Tree DNA service provider (they test all types of DNA: atDNA, mtDNA and Y-DNA). If you wish to test also your direct paternal an maternal lines, your results from testing atDNA in other laboratories can be imported first, i. e. your autosomal DNA raw data file has to be downloaded from 23andMe©[1], AncestryDNA™, or MyHeritage™, and transferred to Family Tree DNA profile. Raw data of atDNA testing has to be downloaded from any of previously mentioned laboratories or National Geographic and uploaded to GEDmatch portal (Help, Guide).

Are there any risks to taking part?

No. This project will not generate any data about you as an individual that you do not already have shared as a consequence of your purchase of DNA testing. Allowing us to access that data will provide the opportunity for us to make further analysis if Slovenian population(s) by certain characteristics could be put on the list of world’s reference populations. Donate your data for citizen science study in the field of population genetics and get further insights on your ethnicity origin.

What is required?

You will make your electronic results of autosomal DNA testing available to us via GEDmacth platform, providing the ID number. The ‘Slovenian DNA Pool’ group administrator will provide you with a link to the project page. You will be asked to complete an online survey and a consent form, agreeing that we can store, analyze and use your data on ancestry-informative markers across your genome, which can provide the regional affiliation of your ancestry. Your electronic data will be retained anonymously and may be used in future studies. You will not be contacted with details of our analysis of your own DNA results. The anonymised data will be used in models and our conclusions about the ethnicity, origin and populations will be published on our portal and in scientific journals.

[1] 23andMe is now using the GSA chip for their new V5 raw DNA file results. This format is not compatible with the regular GEDmatch upload, but can be used with the GEDmatch Genesis upload; Genesis users: GEDmatch is finding many false matches with Gencove and DNA Land kits on Genesis one-to-many.

GEDmatch based atDNA information for individuals of Slovenian descent

For the purpose of geographic affiliation of your Slovenian ancestors, a survey is launched along the Slovenian DNA Database survey, administered by Elijah Rach,[1] and may include the same DNA donors with the aim to collect more detailed data on Slovenian origin of their ancestors, who were born more than 100 years ago. If possible, please select the oldest descendant of Slovenian ancestry for testing (B or C).

Start the survey on Slovenian origin of your grandparents for Slovenian DNA Pool.

Time span Generation A
Ancestors / N. of ancestors
Ancestors / N. of ancestors
Ancestors / N. of ancestors
2000– 1st gen. Donor
1975 – 1999 2nd gen. Parents (2)
1950 – 1974 3rd gen. Grandparents (4) Donor
1925 – 1949 4th gen. Great-grandparents (8) Parents (2) Donor
1900 – 1924 5th gen. Great(2)-grandparents (16) Grandparents (4) Parents (2)
1875 – 1899 6th gen. Great(3)-grandparents (32) Great-grandparents (8) Grandparents (4)
1850 – 1874 7th gen. Great(4)-grandparents (64) Great(2)-grandparents (16) Great-grandparents (8)
1825 – 1849 8th gen. Great(5)-grandparents (128) Great(3)-grandparents (32) Great(2)-
grandparents (16)

Statistical and Traditional Slovenian Regions

Statisticne pokrajine
Official statistical regions in Slovenia, which have to be chosen in the survey on ancestral origin. (These can be merged into traditional regions below.)
Traditional regions in Slovenia: Primorska (1), Notranjska (2b), Gorenjska (2a), Dolenjska (2c), Koroška (3), Slovenska Štajerska (4), Prekmurje (5); in Habsburg empire these belonged to: Prekmurje (5), Štajerska (4), Koroška (3), Kranjska (2), Gorizia (1) & Istria (1 underneath Gorizia);
Slovenian dialects as recorded in 1931.
Variety of Slovenian dialects by Fran Ramovš, 1931 (Wikipedia).

[1] Participants to Slovenian DNA Database can participate also in this survey and provide more detailed information to be shared.


2 thoughts on “Slovenian Origin / Slov. poreklo”

  1. Hi I am interested in this yet am curious about how accurate it is if you are only half slovenian since many who came to America married other nationalities and I am sure that is true even in Slovenia…. can you elaborate on that further_


  2. Hello, Mary. You are very much welcome to join Slovenian origin group after you test your atDNA at FTDNA (most recommended), MyHeritage or AncestryDNA. Whatever portion of genome belongs to the Slovenian origin, it will come out by DNA results, matches and by your pedigree lines from that origin. Depending on your age and family we can prepare a plan for testing and genealogy research. I will contact you by email to get more insight into your situation. Would be nice, if you could share known family tree and later test also fo mtDNA and Y chromosome for deep ancestry of your Slovenian origin.


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